Monday – February Programme

3rd February:

We ask members to bring in 3 PDI or 3 Prints which we can look at and hopefully suggest small improvements to help the author.

10th February:

AV no 1 competition judged by our own Alan Tyrer ARPS /AV
Please email your AV’s to Janina ASAP.

17th February:

We have an internationally published photographer this morning.
Ian Howard who is based in Kent and will present his;
                                “Philosophy of Photography”

24th February

This morning we have an open house, so bring some of your work to show.

Notes for discussion 

We would like images for consideration for the N&EMPF knockout as soon as possible we need 40 great images for our bank, last year we came 7th overall and it would be good to at least get through to the second round again.

We are also looking for images for the Fosters Colour challenge and the battles for later in the year, Lee and Mike will be needing your images for consideration and it would be nice to retain the Trophy we won last year and the two we missed out on.

23rd March is the day of photography held at Nettleham tickets are £15-00 if you are interested please see George Lill with your cash and he will obtain your tickets, which are on sale “First come first served” so don’t delay.